Organising your rail trail ride …. and the East Gippsland Rail Trail


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One comment on “Organising your rail trail ride …. and the East Gippsland Rail Trail”

Driving down from NSW, I organised a neat plan to tackle the East Gippsland Rail Trail some years ago. Arriving at Orbost, I checked into my motel room at 2pm and left my bike and bags there before driving onto Bairnsdale, where I left my car (containing my other luggage) at the motel I’d booked a room in for two days hence. Then I got the late afternoon bus back to Orbost for Night 0. Day 1 was on the trail south from Orbost, with a detour down to Lakes Entrance for the night (Night 1). Day 2 was uphill from Lakes Entrance back onto the trail, on to Bruthen, detour to Swan Reach, then back onto the trail to Nicholson and into Bairnsdale for the night (Night 2). I only needed to carry on the bike enough gear for one night (Lakes Entrance), so I managed it with one bag (from memory). I had one magpie attack so it must have been late Spring.

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