
Rail Trail News

2013 Rail Trails Australia Calendar Available For Christmas!

Order your 2013 Rail Trails Australia Calendar Today! (more…) “2013 Rail Trails Australia Calendar Available For Christmas!”...

Construction Starts on Capricorn Coast Rail Trail

The Queensland Goverenment has honoured previously promised funding for the construction of the first section of the Capricorn Coast Rail Trail at Yep...

Victorian Hume Region Significant Tracks and Trails Strategy Survey

Twelve local government authorities in Victoria’s Hume region, along with Hume Regional Development Australia and the Victorian Government are i...

O’Keefe Rail Trail Improvements Continue

Improvements and developments on the O’Keefe Rail Trail in northern Victoria continue apace. Over the past year all the former low level crossin...

Australia’s Longest Rail Trail Bridge Open

Hundreds enjoyed a beautiful spring day for the long awaited opening by local state member Bill Tilley of the Sandy Creek bridge on the High Country R...

More Funding for the Gippsland Plains Rail Trail (VIC)

Media Release: Wednesday 17 October 2012 $200,000 FOR GIPPSLAND PLAINS RAIL TRAIL – STAGE 1 Member for Morwell Russell Northe today announced Coalit...

Daylesford to Macedon Ranges Rail Trail (VIC) – Submissions Invited

The Daylesford to Macedon Ranges Rail Trail is a proposed 45 km long walking and cycling trail between Daylesford and Woodend with possible links to K...

The Barossa Trail Extension (SA)

The new section of Barossa Trail will be 27km in total, and will be known as the Jack Bobridge Track, after the Olympic cyclist. Stage 1 of the projec...

High Country Sandy Creek Bridge Opening

The High Country Rail Trail Cycling Festival over the weekend of 20 – 21 October includes the official opening of the iconic 600m Sandy Creek Bridge...

Trek the Trail in Perth

Trek to showcase Wooroloo – Chidlow route This year’s Trek the Trail will be held on Sunday 23 September. Last year’s event had to be cancelled ...

Bloomin Beautiful Blackbutt Festival (QLD)

7th September 2012 (Apologies for the late notice) The Festival is Queensland’s only festival focussing major events around the towns’ Rail Tr...

QLD Government Drops Support for Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

Unfortunately the recently elected Queensland state government has withdrawn funding for the programs that supported the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail. ...

East Gippsland Rail Trail is Open

Back on June 23 we reported the partial closure of the East Gippsland Rail Trail around Newmerella just before the end of the trail near Orbost. That ...

Dubbo Tracker Riley Cyclepath extension

The opening ceremony was held at Dundullimal homestead due to wet weather on the day.  The opening speech and ribbon cutting was performed by Dubbo&#...

East Gippsland Rail Trail Storm Damage (Vic)

Due to severe weather a short section of the East Gippsland Rail Trail near Orbost between Preston Rd and Burn Rd has been closed while repairs are ta...

Adelaide Hills Rail Trail Link Open

A 500 metre “missing link” behind the Woodside shops linking the Oakbank – Woodside and Woodside – Charleston sections was ope...

Glendale to Wallsend Rail Trail Opening

The $1.5 million Wallsend to Glendale shared pathway was officially opened on Friday 1 June 2012. The NSW state government contributed $750,000 to the...

High Country Sandy Creek Bridge Update

Following the remarkable progress made in January when all girders on the 600m bridge were installed in a matter of days, progress has slowed but it w...

Opening of Port Fairy to Warrnambool Rail Trail (Vic)

The opening of the Port Fairy to Warrnambool Rail Trail took place on 31st May 2012 at the Koroit Railway station building. Cutting th ribbon!    Th...

Goulburn River High Country Rail Trail (VIC) Officially Opens

Update It’s been a long time coming but with a generous $13 million grant from the federal government to help speed it along, the 134 km Goulbur...

Launceston to Herrick (Tas) is Growing a Rail Trail

There may finally be some rail trail activity in Tasmania with $89,000 of funding being issued to the Scottsdale Rotary Club Inc. for a section of the...

Opening Port Fairy to Warrnambool Rail Trail

At the beginning of February 2008 the first sod was turned to begin development of this great trail. Frustratingly over the last few years development...

Daylesford-Macedon Ranges Rail Trail (VIC) Passes Inspection

Members of the Trentham based Daylesford-Macedon Ranges Rail Trail Working Group recently hosted a tour of inspection of the proposed Rail Trail route...

Daylesford-Woodend Rail Trail (Vic) one step closer

The Daylesford-Woodend Rail Trail, in the central highlands north of Melbourne, is today one step closer to being realised with the state Government g...

$2m extension for Great Southern Rail Trail (Vic)

A Media Release from the Premier of Victoria. (3 April 2012) Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional and Rural Development Peter Ryan today announced...

2012 Easter Rail Trails User Survey

Once again the Tourism and Hospitality Research Unit at La Trobe University is conducting the tri-annual survey of rail trail usage. This year the sur...

Goulburn River High Country Rail Trail (Vic)  – Flood Damage

Like a number of roads, pathways and culverts in the region, both completed and under construction sections of the new trail have suffered extensive d...

Old Beechy Rail Trail (Vic) Fun Run

Discover the beauty of the Otways on the Old Beechy Rail Trail with a 16Km Fun Run or a 6Km Run/Walk, between Barongarook and Gellibrand. This inaugu...

Grand Ridge Rail Trail (Vic) Officially Re-opened

Three years after the bushfires that destroyed several bridges, the Grand Ridge Rail Trail in Gippsland, Victoria, has been officially reopened. $1.6m...

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Grants (QLD)

Community Grants are open again this year for the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail as well as the Boonah to Ipswitch Trail (not a rail trail). The Community...

2013 test

testing for 2013 articles...

High Country Rail Trail Bridges the Gap

The High Country Rail Trail ( NE Victoria) has bridged the 600m long gap across Lake Hume. The prefabricated beams complete with handrails were floate...

Rail Trails Australia’s New Website Launched

What’s new For the public the new website offers up to date and detailed mapping based on Google Maps. more comprehensive trail descriptions man...